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02 Aug Some Graffiti Facts and Stats
Admin 241 5995
Some interesting statistics and information about graffiti from around the world.the word graffiti is the plural.  The singular, which is rarely used except in archaeology is graffito.graffiti is not ..
02 Aug Graffiti Management Tips
Admin 167 4491
Graffiti preventionGraffiti is a common problem for small businesses, especially in the more industrial areas that are not patrolled by security.  However there are many things you can do to stop graf..
30 Jun Non-Toxic cleaning wipes for schools, preschools and offices
Admin 22 13055
Some real life and quite common scenarios.Cleaning crayon and pen marks from wallsYou get up in the morning and your artistic child has taken advantage of the huge blank canvas called a wall and merri..
15 Sep Graffiti Removal from steel surfaces
Admin 12 10776
While tagging on your garage door, corrugated iron, aluminium or Coloursteel fencing is a major pain the clean up and removal of graffiti from these is pretty easy with products by Graffiti-Enz.These ..
22 Jun Graffiti Tagging or Street Art?
Admin 10 3908
Graffiti Tagging and VandalismGraffiti is a gateway crime and many of the vandals that damage public or private property go on to commit more serious crimes.  This is especially true in many of the lo..
02 Aug Brisbane Council Support Small Business Owners Graffiti removal
Admin 2 3560
Small business owners in Brisbane can access support for graffiti prevention and removal with the launch of the Graffiti Small Business Assist program, a joint initiative of Brisbane City Council and ..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)