While tagging on your garage door, corrugated iron, aluminium or Coloursteel fencing is a major pain the clean up and removal of graffiti from these is pretty easy with products by Graffiti-Enz.

These types of surfaces are not absorbent and are quite resistant so they don't need high pressure or solvent based toxic graffiti removal products to clean them up because the paint won't soak into the steel.  

So using the non-toxic, environmentally friendly, enzyme based Graffiti-ENZ products is a great choice.  These are a great choice to use as a home or office solution and are much better for the environment.

The secret with all graffiti cleaners on steel surfaces is to gently apply the removal products so you don't damage, scratch or corrode the surface.  After all you don't want to get rid of the tagging to find you have left a mess anyway.  

The Graffiti-ENZ products were developed with nature in mind and the enzyme based systems are quick and effective.

With all graffiti cleaning products the secret is to remove it while it is fresh.  Not only is it much easier to remove but studies have shown that when tagging is removed quickly the instances of being re-tagged reduce.  So apply Graffiti-ENZ at the first sign of vandalism on your property.

Graffiti Removal can be a tough job, for incredible results. For an easy-to-use Graffiti-Enz Graffiti Remover solution call our friendly and dedicated staff on 0800 536 537 or visit www.graffiti-enz.co.nz to view our full range of Graffiti Removal products.

Graffiti-Enz Red is a heavy duty graffiti remover ideal for removing most types of freshly applied graffiti from acrylic painted surfaces, signs with vinyl lettering, stainless steel, painted brick, vinyl particle board, tiles and marble.